Friday, December 30, 2016

manicure dream this morning

After letting my dogs out and going back to sleep, I had a dream that I was at some sort of beauty seminar, but instead of a hotel or conference building it was all in the rafters of some building, and you had to balance along the beams and climb through storage areas to get to each section.  The only section I went to was the manicure section, and the floors were covered in boxes and boxes of fake nails, and you could pick any you wanted and have a manicurist apply them for you.  I chose a box and it faded to me wearing them (skipped the whole process of getting them done).  I looked down and at first they appeared good, but then I noticed a few on my left hand had already fallen off, or chipped, then I noticed on my right hand on some of the fingers they had applied more than one set on top, as if to fix their mistake but didn't want take the old one off (and all of them were applied with tape, not glue).  I was so frustrated I ripped the rest off and felt like I had been scammed.

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