Monday, August 24, 2015

HolySiz - powerful video

Since I don't have a tumbler account, I'm just going to make a blog post about it, and give Jack Molay credit.  So this is a band from the UK, music video released last year.  I saw Jack tweet it, emailed the link to myself so I could watch it later.  Ok, cue sad music.  Little boy wears a dress to school, Ok so showing the feelings of being a transgendered kid.  Then watch the girls giggle, watch the boys make fun of him.  Then it goes home, watching his father get frustrated with his transgender son, and taking away his my little pony, mother offended her husband isn't supporting him.  Then cue the scene where his dad gets upset at a teacher parent conference (clearly the dad is never going to get it, or be open-minded)  Then cue to the dad watching another father play basketball with his son, cue next scene he grabs his son in disgust, as if to feel obligated to deal with this issue.  Then you see the boy dressed in boy clothes, looking depressed that he has to simply accept society's pressure to fit in with gender lables.. But then he looks up and smiles, and it hits you like a brick (I cried.. REALLY HARD, and not sure why it hit me so hard, but I'll try to give my viewpoint).  So there's his dad, in a dress (ok, so he suddenly flipped to supporting his son, awesome).  Then you see him holding onto his son's dress (awesome again, he's even pushing his son to do what he feels natural).  Then you see the crowd around look, some facial expressions of acceptance, some of joy, some still of laughing at the situation.  Then you're filled with feelings of "Shit, I wish I was that boy now, with my dad accepting me like that".  I guess it's just a bunch of emotions all hitting you at the same time, and it's simply emotion overload.

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