Thursday, April 26, 2018

Men suck, no wonder why I don't care to be one

So let's start this off by talking about the obvious elephant in the room.  While so many celebrities have hit the news this past year accused, or have come out talking about how they abused women in some way, the biggest story was always Cosby.  Having been accused by 40 women of him slipping them a rape drug (his spanish fly track on his comedy album isn't so funny anymore), he's probably the most watched case.  It was a real blow when his first round of court ended without conviction and was effectively "free".  Well today he was finally convicted on three counts of sexual assualt and could face up to 10 years for each.  He can obviously appeal, but it doesn't look good for him.  He will effectively spend the rest of his life in prison at age 80.

So rewind to last Friday.  My parents divorced when I was about 12 years old.  I didn't either parent more, but I chose my Dad not because I loved him more but really because that choice meant I wouldn't be moving away.  I have vague memories of their fighting, nothing I could describe in detail at this point.  I was visiting my Mom because she isn't very good with shopping online.  Somehow we had gotten on the subject of Religion and I had said I believed in a God, but I hadn't attended church since I moved out.  I believed in treating others how I'd want to be treated which I think everyone should follow.  Also talked about how judging most religion was and the bible is filled with horrific things like saying it was ok to own slaves, beat slaves, not to mention how beating your wife was accepted because they were the lesser gender.  Then she began to go into detail about how much she suffered while married to my Dad.  That he would want to specifically have sex while she was on her period, enema sex (I had no idea that was a thing), that he rarely reciprocated and even when he did she never once had an orgasm.  She complained how he left lights on and the television on every night when they went to bed which means she never got very good sleep.  He never let her make any of the household decisions, kept hidden bank accounts from her.  Once when we were kids he disappeared for 2 days with no phone calls, left her without a car, and claimed to be at his mother's which was a lie (she thinks he was cheating on her).  Lastly she talked about how the time when they got into an argument he pushed her into the stove and she was sore for 3 weeks.  She also was going to school at the time, and couldn't miss school so she had to go while injured.  I do remember that moment in my life, and how pissed I was at my Dad watching her cry sitting on the kitchen floor for a good hour.  Now I've had arguments with my wife, sometimes shouting, but I have NEVER touched her.  I've pounded walls, I've walked away, but I would never hurt a woman (probably because of what I saw my dad do).

So what's the point of all this dribble?  Most men are jerks, filled with testosterone (I hate when I lose control of my anger which I'm sure is contributed by that hormone), and many think they are superior and can get away with whatever they want.  Women are for the most part civilized, clear thinking, and non-abusive.  Perfect example is watch "orange is the new black" for a few episodes.  You'll see arguments, maybe some pushing, but you don't see any physical fighting (and certainly no killing).  I don't know how close this is to real life, but I'm guessing it's somewhat accurate.

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